Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Words For Someone Stressed

for a general strike and widespread!

Mentre la Cgil, al fine di perseguire i propri obiettivi nelle contese burocratiche con le altre Confederazioni e di lavare l’onta del non invito a cena, indice uno sciopero generale di (sole) 4 ore, gli studenti ed i settori più attivi e combattivi dei lavoratori hanno deciso d’approfittare della situazione, per trasformare questa giornata, in un momento importante di mobilitazione, attraverso uno sciopero generale di 8 ore, contro la crisi ed i suoi effetti, che padroni e ( i loro) governi vorrebbero farci pagare.
Questa giornata non è altro che il risultato di due mesi di mobilitazione che noi studenti, insieme ai lavoratori dell’università e non, abbiamo portato avanti, attraverso various practices, however, all share a common political will to pay a crisis created by those gentlemen who, now, it would remove resources, wages and jobs.
slogan "WE THE CRISIS not pay" is echoed for months in our parades, but if we want to be really consistent, and really reduce costs to a minimum that the current and future working class must be paid to this crisis, we must realize as the only policy that is useful to bankrupts fail! What
even one euro in your pocket to go to banks and companies who fail to do it now, no more than prolong the crisis, and promised that all resources are instead used to support social safety nets!
Only in this way you can prevent the development of the crisis el'ingigantimento its effects, something to which the entire ruling class aims to save businesses and fixed assets, not understanding how all this has just come to an overproduction of capital . We combine
on this platform, clear and classy, \u200b\u200ball the layers of active students and workers, so that it can create a common front in opposition to this crisis and the resulting policies are simply the result of the contradictions of a capitalist system, now limit the free social development.

On a more purely student in the coming weeks we will have quindi dedicarci a chiarire queste posizioni all’intero movimento studentesco, in cui ancora ampi settori si attardano su posizioni influenzate dall’opportunismo baronale, dalla logica di contrastare il singolo spreco e da una visione meramente istituzionale del problema dei tagli alla scuola e all’università.
Se una cosa in questi mesi si è capita, e questa giornata ne è la piena dimostrazione, è proprio il fatto che la trentennale crisi della scuola e dell’università non è che uno degli effetti di una crisi più ampia, di una crisi sociale; di una crisi di una società divisa in classi che non può che riprodurre una scuola ed un università di classe, e che in un ambito di saturazione del labor market, one can only reduce parking for unemployed youth.
Our struggle and our mobilization will, therefore, begin to take this into account, allowing one part to distance itself from those false solutions of self-reform that passed by parliament and small parliaments more or less student, the other to initiate think of student bodies really permanent, which in their view of genuine anti - capitalist, can be effective instruments to combat student, always attentive to the problems of the working class.


Monday, December 8, 2008

Abcess On Tooth And Sepsis

Studenti e lavoratori:
no alla 133

Facoltà di lettere e filosofia (V. Balbi 4)

In avvio della due giorni di riflessione
sulla mobilitazione studentesca

tra studenti e lavoratori di

Sin.Base Sindacato di Base e USI-AITLIGURIA

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Long Bohemian Dresses

not pay for your crisis!

A più di un mese dalle prime manifestazioni e dai primi segni di mobilitazione, siamo ancora qui, siamo ancora in piazza.
Nonostante la grande onda che ha investito tutta Italia, nonostante le migliaia di studenti scesi per le strade, il governo non ha battuto ciglio, approvando due settimane fa anche la Legge Gelmini (dopo aver approvato in sordina, ad Agosto, la legge 133).
Questa è l’ennesima dimostrazione di come questo Stato e questo governo (come qualsiasi governo) non siano altro che l’espressione politica delle classi dominanti.
Loro, oggi, hanno interesse a tagliare spese (che per loro sono improduttive) a trasformare gli Atenei ed i Licei in Fondazioni, a precarizzare ulteriormente la forza – lavoro, a salvare banche e banchieri.
Già da tempo abbiamo deciso di dire basta scendendo nelle piazze, riappropiandoci of our universities and our schools, contrasted with an additional liability to businesses and to profit.
appears, therefore, increasingly needed requirements to extend the mobilization, but not to be content with a mere return to the status quo, our struggle against the reform Gelmini, 133 as against the law, can not be reduced to the defense of the University baronial.
short, will not pay for your crisis esteemed bankers and stock market gamblers. Nor allow the government and gerontocratic CRUI mediations on our shoulders.
Enough with the useless (for us) multiplication of professorships and salary, enough with the nepotistic hiring.
It was not the government (which later became the opposition) that has not been involved on school 'reformer' in his own way.
But we're not playing but expecting a level of skills appropriate to the current shortage of jobs. And I'm
schools and universities must adapt and not just us poor fools have to become "flexible", "furniture" on ... € 500 salary precarious, with no compensation and social contributions.
Our first objective, therefore, must be to maintain and extend our autonomy, the autonomy of the student movement, any kind of interest that is not ours. University
opposed to their class, their University - foundation, alla loro Università baronale, la nostra università; l’Università degli studenti, l’Università del sapere critico e del conflitto sociale!
Solo se sapremmo renderci autonomi ed indipendenti tanto nel pensare quanto nell’agire potremmo difendere i nostri interessi di studenti, cioè di futura forza – lavoro salariata, dall’attacco del capitale e del suo Stato.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How Long It Takes After You Deworm

For a student self-mobilization and self-organized

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Windows Live C00000005


day yesterday saw the massive mobilization of hundreds of students, self - organization, were able to obtain teaching throughout the lock via Balbi.
This act is not a manifestation of violence by a minority sector of the students, as some claim, but it and 'the explicit answer we have given students Genoa violence that the government pours him with cuts to the University ', with the limitation on the turn - over, with the transformation of the universities' in the foundations.
not want to become the puppets of business! !

Take back what we take away their day, us rally to the defense of our immediate interests

organize activities 'autonomous self-managed and well in universities'!

For independent and self-organized student movement!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Remote Car Starters,rochester,ny


against the University 'CLASS




Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Repo Modular Homes In Ontario

of October 10 for the general strike of grassroots unions

La difesa degli interessi di classe dei lavoratori può essere realizzata solo dai lavoratori stessi

Basta deleghe
Basta concertazione
Basta illusioni parlamentaristiche

Venerdì 10 ottobre ore 17.00
Facoltà di Filosofia, Balbi 4 aula M

Incontro dibattito
“Perché partecipiamo allo sciopero generale del 17 ottobre
e al corteo di Milano promosso dal sindacalismo di base”

Sin.base - Sindacato di base -
USI-AIT liguria
Comitato Studentesco

How To Make Fake Muscles In Shirt


Si avvicina l’autunno, e con la tramutazione del famosissimo decreto Brunetta, la fantomatica stretta sui fannulloni, ci si ripresenta l’ennesima occasione di mobilitazione.
Tale atto, infatti, non rappresenta altro che l’ennesima espressione legislativa, e quindi sovrastrutturale, di riorganizzazione dello Stato capitalista, dettata da tutta una serie di condizioni che giungono sempre più a maturazione.
Una competitività sempre più agguerrita sul mercato internazionale, l’entrata in quest’ultimo di nuove potenze emergenti, la necessità di difesa dei propri mercati e dell’accaparramento delle risorse energetiche mediante guerre, portano le borghesie nazionali ad una generale riorganizzazione del proprio stato.
Insomma, tale situazione porta ad un disperato bisogno di capitali da investire, considerando anche la strutturale caduta marginale del saggio di profitto, to which various sectors of the bourgeoisie responded with wage compression, increased productivity of capital variable (force - work), reduction of unproductive expenditure than that in recent decades, have been a state monopoly.
As regards Italy, the dl 112 is merely a continuation of a political reorganization, at least, has its origins in the mid 70s.
industrial reorganization, the dismantling of welfare, wage erosion (just think of the abolition of the escalator), liberalization, snatching of severance pay are just some examples of the many stages of this reorganization process, which the decree is not that the most Brunetta recente.
Tale decreto, in breve, prevede una corposa riorganizzazione della pubblica amministrazione che apporta modifiche al contratto a termine (art. 21), al contratto accessorio (art. 22), al contratto d’apprendistato (art. 23); insomma si perpetua e si estende la precarietà lavorativa.
Si registra inoltre negli intenti del decreto il peggioramento delle condizioni dei lavoratori pubblici in merito ai trattamenti economici ed alla disciplina delle assenze per malattia e permesso retribuito.
La “svolta” brunettiana prevede ripercussioni, poi, anche sul sistema universitario, con un cospicuo taglio dei fondi (fino a 160 milioni di euro), limitazione del turn-over e , dulcis in fundo, la possibilità di poter trasformare le Università in fondazioni (regolate quindi dal diritto privato).
Che l’Università sia inserita in un più ampio scenario di riforma non è casuale, anzi è la dimostrazione che il modello formativo non sia che uno dei tanti ambiti statali in cui si esplicitano gli effetti della riorganizzazione del sistema produttivo.
Il nocciolo della questione è, e rimane, il sistema produttivo, ed in particolare le relazioni sociali di produzione che da esso derivano; i rapporti di forza tra le classi che si strutturano in esso e che poi vanno a riflettersi negli altri ambiti.
L’attuale sistema di produzione necessita dell’attuale sistema di formazione, che trasforma scuole ed Università in veri e propri “parcheggi” per futura forza – lavoro salariata, che niente hanno a che vedere con cultura e formazione.
L’università in una società capitalistica non diventa altro che strumento del Capitale nell’ambito “formativo”, svolgendo essenzialmente due funzioni.
La prima, è quella di produrre un esercito di forza lavoro specialistica in maniera che essa sia il più possibile inseribile nei meccanismi di sfruttamento capitalistico, facendo in modo di togliere l’unico strumento difensivo per la forza – lavoro, che è la qualifica.
Creare questo esercito di lavoratori serialmente formabili e quindi facilmente sostituibili è uno dei servigi più utili that the University can offer to the Capital, as well as naturally as possible to delay their entry into employment, so as to save the balance between supply and demand.
unlimited use of internships, job training, apprenticeship contracts shows that over the "false" training, it needs the real thing, for the operating force - work in organizing capitalist production.
The second function is reduced to the reproduction of cadres of the ruling class and its culture.
All students, in a more or less consciously, the courses are known as the petty bourgeois ideology in the market, the phantom redistributrice function of the state, the formal equality of citizens, are passed off as incontrovertible scientific truths.
No formal discussion of these axioms Solomon is granted.
Their cultural reproduction is so sure: the masses of students do not grow accustomed to the freedom of analysis, to question themselves and what they study, the face of scientific freedom and rigidity with which many teachers fill their mouths, but almost always comes down to bourgeois scientism.
the light of what you should really have a lot of courage to speak again of "Sunset University" and "Quality teaching and research in danger ", as the barony to defend its privileges from the dark of the Minister Brunetta.

Requirements for the structuring of a mobilization are, however, the first step of practical implementation is to protest against the contamination of the barons by the elite universities that their services have contributed to the downgrading of the university or a better completion University of class.
In short, these gentlemen who now cry so much, are among the first leaders of the current situation, where the co-optation is the central instrument for the selection of teaching staff, who will defend, propagate scientific nature of its teachings, the very class nature of the university.
should not necessarily jump on the bandwagon with these guys in defense of their education, but to be independent and determined in defense of our interests that are opposed to them.
make new manipulated by this clique of pundits ready to scream against the government in defense of their corporation, however, suffered miserable condescending to the first grant of some benefit, it would be dramatic. Equally dramatic
would also limit the mobilization for the sole university, or at least claims to purely student.
What we have here is a general phenomenon that affects la generalità dei lavoratori in quanto classe; un tentativo di risposta non potrà che essere di classe.
Solo così il fenomeno di trasformazione in Fondazioni, cessa di essere riferibile alle sole Università, ma inizia ad essere affrontato in maniera generale, denunciando dunque un processo che riguarda tanto le Università come, per esempio, le Asl.
Il meccanismo che andremmo a denunciare in questo modo, cessa di essere una mera questione di diritto (passaggio dal diritto pubblico al diritto privato), ma diventa denuncia della trasformazione dei servizi basilari in business, in procedure che servono a fare profitto e non a soddisfare necessità sociali.
La mobilitazione si trasforma così in un’accusa direct the capitalist system, which is structured more as an obstacle to social development.
Highlight this means to assume the centrality of workers and their leading role as an immediate need, we could join us this will end only if students were considered generous, but if we begin to act as organized sectors of current and future - workforce employed. If these binaries
on the mobilization and specifically could be explored:

· organizing debates / meetings faculties and high schools
· intervention in the workplace and workers' assemblies
• In our participation in the general strike of grassroots unions called for Oct. 17, with a demonstration in Milan
· organization of the National

Time is short but the work is so, comrades, roll up your sleeves!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Storing Tent Trailer Outside


this government can be counted many things, but certainly not that he had lost time.
It has not lost time to baste, immediately, drawing a broad reorganization of the state, which in accordance with the directives Confindustria, to reform the complex state machine. This was started by Decree Brunetta, dl 112 / 08.
This decree, with a view consequences of this reorganization has also directed the Italian university system.
Essentially a substantial cut in funding since 2009 (providing for a "savings" which in 2013 will reach € 160 million), an important limitation of the turnover (ie recruitment), the transformation of the economic progression of salaries from two years to three years.
However, the greatest gift comes from the ability of Confindustria in 2009 to be able to transform the universities into private foundations, that is, bodies governed by private law and the ability to bring in private (mostly businesses) in management bodies of the universities themselves.
This stance has clearly irritated the government and caused the angry reaction of the baronial elite universities, which in their appeals and press releases (mainly CRUI-Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities - and the Coordination of Young Academics) call to action preservation of the Italian university.
What these people have actually done is to call the uprising the entire society to try to preserve and defend their privileges resulting from their class position and the process of cooptation that characterizes the university and this makes the baronial.
This is also demonstrated by the fact that in these appeals is not minimal reference to the critical issue of Foundations and the entry of firms in the universities, in short, the submission of scientific freedom (which they always falsely fill your mouth) in the capital and profit and private interest is deeply agree rectors, barons and researchers. They are their own
the maximum theoretical efficiency, restructuring, the hegemony of the market, provided that this does not touch themselves.
If this happens, well, resistance is natural, and it is no longer the corporatism of four drones, but a matter of national salvation. It is not clear why the mechanism to cut their lavish salaries would undermine the whole of Italy.
Despite everything, however, continues to call to mobilize the students, as it was really a question of civilization, when in fact what you want to defend is the same class universities, a university-based dequalificante cooptation of friends of friends , a university privileges, interests and culture of the ruling class.
Already during the protest against the notorious Law Moratti, had seen such a situation, in which nobles and rulers intervened in the assemblies to foster the student protests, well aware of the need, the first concession of the government, having to leave the students in the square. Evictions and repression have been the logical conclusion of their instrumental use of the student movement.
and we should support new this lady?
There occurs, in short, yet another opportunity to reaffirm the autonomy of the student movement and its most oppressed layers of the interests of the ruling class and its agents in universities.
Our criticism must and will be more radical critique that calls into question the whole plan of reorganization, which is nothing but a further attack on class work as a whole.
Mobilize to question everything, to counter the continued subjugation of workers and students in the capital and its interests!
What could we do if we liberemo once and for all the illusion of a possible alliance with the Baron's elite, and concentrate our efforts in building a stronger and organic alliance with our natural allies: the workers !
Those who really live every day and state the main attack on their skin!
Only by building alliances based on bonds of class we really reassert our independence from bosses, from the bonds and foolish servants of capital.

Urge absolutely a necessary choice of field;
us our we've done it!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Fundamentals Of Financial Management Questions


enter below a flyer of the companions of Sin.Base, which is the recent story Russian - Georgian, which can not be totally agree with the conclusions that derive companions.
Student Committee


In this leaflet we take the next booklet, some considerations about the war Russia -
Georgia, apparently far from the only event to our needs and our needs.
(You can request the brochure directly to the comrades of Sin.Base by calling or e-mail)
It 's easy to see that there has never been as much talk about peace and pacifism as when dozens of nations have
started sending around the world for their troops to "pacify" areas in which, evidently, had or has arrived at
It 's a phenomenon that has its own logic. You become a pacifist when necessary, ie when the war is
become, sadly, true.
The concepts of war and peace are inseparable. This one makes sense only in reference to the other.
For this same reason when dealing with matters of this sort could always move to
fans of either faction. Criticize this peace, you are a warmonger. Criticize the war you are a pacifist.
we do not like their peace, include the war against them.
I. anyone still believes that it is no coincidence that the Prodi government, while filled with peace, without ifs and buts,
holds the record for military spending?
II. Does anyone still believe that the "reorganization", the "rationalization", "cuts" to public spending, the
health, in short, to consider any spending any government "Unproductive" because it does not make "profit",
be made to increase the welfare of the "population"?
III. Actually you can be sure, the second is a function of the first we have said. How can you be sure that
the government that will gain the record in the second will win a new record in the first.
And he does so at our expense can be more certain, very certain.
A brilliant example of how the peace they produce their war is still ongoing as we write,
between Russia and Georgia, with more deaths than spectators at a Champions League final, but no matter the team did not play
cuore e, del resto, anche il pacifismo ha diritto alle ferie.
L'indipendenza, attribuita dalla pacifiche potenze “occidentali”, al Kossovo dalla Serbia ha fornito il precedente alla
Russia affinché Abkhazia e Ossezia del Sud, potessero essere resi, questa volta militarmente, indipendenti dalla
Georgia. Tutto in una zona economicamente strategica per le vie dell'energia quanto e se non più dei balcani.
Il resto è cronaca.
Quando l'accaparramento e l'esaurimento delle risorse naturali del pianeta «strangoleranno» la patria che cercava
«un posto al sole», siate certi che, incuranti della spesa pubblica, forniranno a tutti un bell'elmetto gratuito.
Soltanto quando nelle nazioni si cesserà di vivere di lavoro altrui, sarà possibile farla finita con nazioni che
campano sfruttando le necessità delle altre più deboli. Solo allora, finita l'epoca delle nazioni stesse, i popoli
potranno attuare una reale amministrazione delle risorse planetarie. Utopia internazionalista?
Se anche lo fosse è certo più seria e probabile, come ormai possono vedere tutti, di quella “pacifista”.
Ma non è affatto un'utopia.
A condizione che anche su questo terreno non si deleghi ad altri il nostro futuro.
Passa dalla tua parte, passa al Sin.Base !

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Modern And Lyrical Dance Costumes


publish below the flyer we distributed at the event for Monday, June 30

The Student Committee, today attended the demonstration on June 30, rather than to commemorate the events on that day in 1960 had since become Genoa stage of confrontation, to repeat, along with other groups, the necessity of the work of political reconstruction of social antagonism. In this period
newspapers and newscasts with flood emergencies we waste, emergencies neo - fascist Italy, crime resulting from illegal immigrants, etc ... How
understand, however, what are the real phenomena and which, instead, building mass - media, constructed ad hoc from sectors of the Italian bourgeoisie (and international) to channel fears, feelings and ignorance of the working class in his favor?
Many groups, in tackling these issues have been appealed to civil society in general, a concept expression of inter-class practices, that little help in understanding the dynamics of exploitation in our society.
want to build the movements, expression of civil society in anti-fascist, anti racist, anti - waste is only a trick to hide behind big words to the effect of impairment of autonomy and independence of movement for workers in sectors opportunisti della borghesia illuminata (e neanche tanto).
Noi all’anti-fascismo della società civile, che racchiude da Della valle a Bertinotti, contrapponiamo un anti- fascismo, che in caso di reale necessità, si forgerà sulla base dell’identità di classe; all’anti – fascismo democratico contrapponiamo una concezione che avversa il fascismo poiché lo vede come una delle tante espressioni con le quali si presenta un sistema capitalista.
Il nostro anti – fascismo si trasforma in identità di classe contro il capitale ed il suo Stato, indipendentemente che esso sia fascista, liberale o socialdemocratico.
Stessa cosa per la questione dell’immigrazione; solo l’identità and class consciousness of this will help us understand who our brothers and who are our enemies, in the wake of a historical tradition that places the proletarian internationalism as one of its pillars.
But without that adjective "proletarian" our line would be reduced to at most a mere multiculturalism, in which the divergent class interests were mixed up and confused, in a hypothetical international civil society, which in reality does not exist as it is torn daily by the concrete class antagonisms.
must begin to oppose the inter-stale, much trumpeted by all the official channels, a class consciousness of the working class identity di classe che rappresenta l’unico metro di misura attraverso il quale saremo in grado d’affrontare le grandi tematiche, dall’anti-fascismo, al laicismo, senza perdere la bussola, e soprattutto senza compromettere l’autonomia della classe lavoratrice all’opportunista o al padrone di turno.
Sia a livello studentesco che a livello sindacale, questo tentativo lo si sta facendo proprio a partire dalla pratica organizzativa, terreno in cui si esplica in primis la tanto succitata autonomia.
La costruzione di differenti organismi, sia politici che sindacali, della classe lavoratrice è lunga e difficile, ma assolutamente indispensabile…quindi…

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Edwards Syndrome Choriod Plexus

Università: da Precari a Disoccupati?!

As has become practice in all areas of state, municipal, provincial, regional, including the University of Genoa, which counts among its ranks hundreds of temporary workers, is preparing to outsource some of these agencies through business administration (temporary), with a higher cost for the University compared to previous contracts coordinated and continuous collaboration.
This is the case of the "lucky", as the unfortunate (who are the majority) will remain at home, confirming the precariousness as a form of exploitation of the worker, as opposed to those who argue that it is only "flexibility"!

This is based on 'art. 90 paragraph 3 Law No. 244/2007, approved by the previous Prodi government (with the consent of the servile so-called "radical left"). That Article provides that contracts such as those that were adopted by the university can no longer be signed, also the article in question was followed by circular on the Civil Service, which only reinforce what is contained within the law . For its part, the University could, depending on their autonomy, deciding not to follow the circular and at least minimally protect the interest of this large group of workers, but of course it was not.

The Student Committee and the full Sin.Base declare solidarity with the workers at the University legitimately claiming the defense of their jobs.

E 'An opportunity to emphasize the need for strong union between students and workers and hope that this is only a stage for building This must merge.

Student Committee
