Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Edwards Syndrome Choriod Plexus

Università: da Precari a Disoccupati?!

As has become practice in all areas of state, municipal, provincial, regional, including the University of Genoa, which counts among its ranks hundreds of temporary workers, is preparing to outsource some of these agencies through business administration (temporary), with a higher cost for the University compared to previous contracts coordinated and continuous collaboration.
This is the case of the "lucky", as the unfortunate (who are the majority) will remain at home, confirming the precariousness as a form of exploitation of the worker, as opposed to those who argue that it is only "flexibility"!

This is based on 'art. 90 paragraph 3 Law No. 244/2007, approved by the previous Prodi government (with the consent of the servile so-called "radical left"). That Article provides that contracts such as those that were adopted by the university can no longer be signed, also the article in question was followed by circular on the Civil Service, which only reinforce what is contained within the law . For its part, the University could, depending on their autonomy, deciding not to follow the circular and at least minimally protect the interest of this large group of workers, but of course it was not.

The Student Committee and the full Sin.Base declare solidarity with the workers at the University legitimately claiming the defense of their jobs.

E 'An opportunity to emphasize the need for strong union between students and workers and hope that this is only a stage for building This must merge.

Student Committee
