publish below the flyer we distributed at the event for Monday, June 30
The Student Committee, today attended the demonstration on June 30, rather than to commemorate the events on that day in 1960 had since become Genoa stage of confrontation, to repeat, along with other groups, the necessity of the work of political reconstruction of social antagonism. In this period
newspapers and newscasts with flood emergencies we waste, emergencies neo - fascist Italy, crime resulting from illegal immigrants, etc ... How
understand, however, what are the real phenomena and which, instead, building mass - media, constructed ad hoc from sectors of the Italian bourgeoisie (and international) to channel fears, feelings and ignorance of the working class in his favor?
Many groups, in tackling these issues have been appealed to civil society in general, a concept expression of inter-class practices, that little help in understanding the dynamics of exploitation in our society.
want to build the movements, expression of civil society in anti-fascist, anti racist, anti - waste is only a trick to hide behind big words to the effect of impairment of autonomy and independence of movement for workers in sectors opportunisti della borghesia illuminata (e neanche tanto).
Noi all’anti-fascismo della società civile, che racchiude da Della valle a Bertinotti, contrapponiamo un anti- fascismo, che in caso di reale necessità, si forgerà sulla base dell’identità di classe; all’anti – fascismo democratico contrapponiamo una concezione che avversa il fascismo poiché lo vede come una delle tante espressioni con le quali si presenta un sistema capitalista.
Il nostro anti – fascismo si trasforma in identità di classe contro il capitale ed il suo Stato, indipendentemente che esso sia fascista, liberale o socialdemocratico.
Stessa cosa per la questione dell’immigrazione; solo l’identità and class consciousness of this will help us understand who our brothers and who are our enemies, in the wake of a historical tradition that places the proletarian internationalism as one of its pillars.
But without that adjective "proletarian" our line would be reduced to at most a mere multiculturalism, in which the divergent class interests were mixed up and confused, in a hypothetical international civil society, which in reality does not exist as it is torn daily by the concrete class antagonisms.
must begin to oppose the inter-stale, much trumpeted by all the official channels, a class consciousness of the working class identity di classe che rappresenta l’unico metro di misura attraverso il quale saremo in grado d’affrontare le grandi tematiche, dall’anti-fascismo, al laicismo, senza perdere la bussola, e soprattutto senza compromettere l’autonomia della classe lavoratrice all’opportunista o al padrone di turno.
Sia a livello studentesco che a livello sindacale, questo tentativo lo si sta facendo proprio a partire dalla pratica organizzativa, terreno in cui si esplica in primis la tanto succitata autonomia.
La costruzione di differenti organismi, sia politici che sindacali, della classe lavoratrice è lunga e difficile, ma assolutamente indispensabile…quindi…