Thursday, February 26, 2009

Big Booty Women Cartoon


During the protest of the now called Wave, against the law 133 and the Gelmini reform, attention has been paid mainly to the transformation of universities into private foundations, or entities of private law, controlled by a Board (Board).
This revolution does not refer only universities but also in general high schools and colleges, through the bill opens, the hidden face of the Gelmini reform.
The main points of this bill is about the workplace, the scope is purely student:

SCHOOL - COMPANY : the school boards are replaced by boards of directors, where companies can make their triumphant entrance, influencing the course curriculum.

ABOLITION OF THE FACULTY OF UNION REPRESENTATION AT 'NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF : in whose place shall be established a regional union representative unit of area ...

, lecturer, teacher expertise

The transition from one level to the top of the teacher, would, we imagine that more IMPARTIAL evaluated by a committee established by the Headmaster.
and the level of the teacher, will also determine the amount of salary, by creating competition among the workers themselves, thereby preventing the organization. To see clearly the

Ddl Aprea, follows with almost geometric precision, the bill Naples - Santulli the previous Berlusconi government (2005). Probably, given the large parliamentary majority enjoyed by this government, this time the process will fail (so to speak ..).
As we have already outlined in previous documents, this bill is part of a logical reorganization of the state apparatus, which tends to eliminate those that are costs are considered, then to raise cash. At the same time are intended
BILLION to prop up banks and financial institution for real creators of the crisis through their phony debts, the now famous subprime mortgages and more ...


Friday, February 20, 2009

Heather Harmon's And Brooke


Here is the document submitted by the owners of the Sin.Base concerning the nature of the crisis, the Padua meeting, organized by the Bread and Roses, Sunday, Feb. 15.

Student Committee

Monday, February 16, 2009

How To Make Painters Pants White

Article Republic - Storm on the University

report at all, an article on the management of the Republic at least suspect the former Rector of the complex Sandro Pontremoli ' Eridania. While a further demonstration of how we further insecurity and unskilled, they do business.
not delude ourselves that loro siano la soluzione del problema, la soluzione é la lotta, loro sono la causa.


Comitato Studentesco

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Root Beer Tapper Online Without Shockwave

MARCHETTI, Strozzina

Il derelitto sistema scolastico tra squarci e rattoppi provvisori continua a formare , o forse per meglio dire a sfornare forza lavoro a basso costo e dequalificata .
I mutamenti imposti da questo governo possono sembrare drastici, perlopiù si tratta di ritocchi apparenti ,imperniati su una falsa meritocrazia propugnata dalla èlite baronale.
Provvedimenti, soprattutto per l'università, ricalcanti la logica di istruzione al servizio delle
necessità di mercato; Fondazioni private, cattedre sponsorizzate e tasse elevate non sono altro che un ulteriore passo verso un università di massa che vomita precari a basso costo in feroce competizione l' uno con l' altro.

Sistema scolastico che si regge sulla precarietà
Precarietà economica, tasse esorbitanti ed appiattimento degli scaglioni contributivi danneggeranno tutti, specialmente gli studenti con redditi bassi che si troveranno a pagare cifre molto vicine a quelle degli studenti più agiati, contribuendo per servizi che mai riceveranno.
Per proseguire gli studi molti saranno costretti to borrow at the beginning of the academic background, and then focusing on the possibility of finding a good job to pay off the debt
, opportunities and done remotely.
not rest on the burden downloaded from the state on the backs of families and students must be added the books of lenders, professors and publishers unscrupulous monopolists plucked
students and families.
The measures taken on the 133 textbooks are insufficient and do not prevent that many professors adopt textbooks written in their hand, who happens to be frequently updated. Insecurity
actual school buildings, 42% of the structures do not have the certificate of viability and a static 'Good the other half did not fire escapes.
inadequate facilities endanger the safety of students, and who paid with their lives for this negligence was soon forgotten.
poor maintenance and funds mysteriously disappeared leaving many buildings under

Reject insecurity imposed on your life!
organized within your school or faculty!
fight to change this system that we commodify!