Sunday, February 27, 2011

What Yogurt Brand Is Healthiest For You

MERINGUE TART ............ E. ....... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME ....!!!!!!

Not that there's nothing to rejoice at the end ......... and 'One more year' ... ... and if it was once a joy to do the countdown of days before the the fateful day ...... now I could I would take it off someone!! But in the end ....... and 'always a special day ...... and then requires a special cake .. .... for the occasion, I ventured into a meringue pie .....!!! For the record, my birthday is not today 'but rather' tomorrow .....( February 28 )..... . but as for obvious reasons (working) I will not have 'time ...... celebrate today' ......

  • 100 grams of wheat flour
  • 100 grams of flour 00
  • 2 egg yolks 100g butter
  • 90 gr vanilla sugar
  • 200 g blueberry jam
  • 2 egg whites 80 g vanilla sugar
Prepare the pastry (the butter should be soft but not loose), roll out and put in a pan 22 cm.
Fill with jam and bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
Beat the egg whites with sugar until firm enough to have a meringue.
the tart from the oven and spread the meringue using a spoon or pastry bag.
Bake again for 15 minutes at 180 degrees and then lower the oven at 150 for 20 minutes.

Nautical Color Schemes Bedroom


... ... it 's still the same old chicken ....... but today we make a version of''unusual''..... ...... rolls fortified with bacon (which you can' replace with bacon or ham ).......
recipe for two people:

  • 6 slices chicken breast
  • 100 grams of bacon
  • white flour
  • butter and sage oil
  • nutmeg
Stuff the slices of breast chicken with bacon ...... then roll them and close them with the help of toothpicks.
Pass the rolls so 'After that obtained in the white flour' brown them in a pan where we will have melted a knob of butter with a little oil.
Add a few leaves of sage and nutmeg .....
Far cuocere per circa 20 minuti aggiungendo dell'acqua o del brodo man mano che la cottura va avanti.
Per ultimo alzare il fuoco e far dorare bene gli involtini di modo che diventino croccantini........

Friday, February 25, 2011

Christy Caynon And Amber Lynn

E 'Spring!

It's been quite a while not updated my blogghino ... I had a relatively long period, some not ... Ugh ...
will Stao time not too please (rain, rain, fog and even rain) and short days and dark to help this state from "amoeba beach ... who knows ...
Fortunately, in the end, the sun is back! And I reactivated;)
No In this newly created post as many photos taken but the flowers are blooming giringiro a house ^ ^.
Here it is:

Do you like my fiorellonzi? ;)
A salutissimo, Manu.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Where Can I Watch Bangbros For Free


Lucia's blog, aka Lufantasygioie , takes 2 years and she will award a Fortunella among us with a wonderful gift.

not miss the chance to win a beautiful necklace, nor to know (if you do not already know) a beautiful person as Lucia)


Make A Concert Poster Free

................... MY VERSION ........ dare I even say .......'' THE PERFECT CAKE'' .... HIS MAJESTY THE TIRAMISU

Torte di mele se ne trovano un'infinita'.........e sono anche tutte buonissime perche' una torta di mele non puo' non essere buona.....Ma oggi......credo di aver trovato la versione che preferisco......spulciando qua e la' e facendo qualche piccola variazione ,aggiunta, result and 'extraordinary ....... ......... I am really satisfied here's the recipe that I will share with you .....

FOR PASTA crust '
  • 300 grams of wheat flour
  • 3 tablespoons sugar (I used vanilla that I had prepared some time ago putting a''vanilla''soak in sugar)
  • 150 grams of cold butter in the fridge
  • 3-4 tablespoons of cold water
  • 8 apples (I used Golden)
  • 50 grams of raisins
  • 2-3 tablespoons of water
  • 80 grams of sugar (always vanilla)
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons almond flour
  • 1 beaten egg
  • sugar for dusting qb
First, work the flour with the butter cut into cubes and the sugar, obtaining a bit and add at this point the cold water enough to form a smooth and omogeneo.Formare una palla e far riposare in frigo per almeno un ora.
Sbucciare le mele , tagliarle a pezzetti e farle cuocere insieme all'uvetta ;coperte e a fuoco medio in una padella dai bordi alti ,fino a quando saranno tenere.A questo punto scolare il tutto e far raffreddare ;dopodiche' aggiungere lo zucchero  e la cannella.
A questo punto riprendere la pasta dal frigo e stendere un po' piu' di meta panetto allo spessore di 3 mm circa. 
Foderare uno stampo imburrato e infarinato .
Cospargere con la farina di mandorle e versare il composto di mele e uvetta in questo guscio di frolla.Quindi coprire con la pasta rimasta.
Spennellare i bordi con acqua fredda e sigillare bene.
Fare dei tagli a raggiera al centro della torta , spennellare con l'uovo sbattuto e infine cospargere di zucchero la superficie .Cuocere in forno per 40-45 minuti circa a 180 gradi.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Derivatives For Dummies


Sorry if I have no way of documenting the ' extraction of my Love Candy, you have to trust me (I've extracted with random, but on this pc do not have the paint to the stamp image, and I know no other way to do it, sorry!) ...

The winner is ... ZULA73 Nunzia

Congratulations, that must cross your toes it worked:) I await your mail with the address where to send the Ciaffetto!

For all others, thanks for the love, the kind words, best wishes ...


Continue to follow me, you know that every now and then award some of you:)

Monday, February 14, 2011

How To Do Your Hair Like Dahvie


San Valentino fortunatamente e' passato.......meno male.....mettevano un po' di angoscia tutti quei cuori cioccolatosi che si vedevano in giro......e poi quale miglior regalo se non dolce preferito per eccellenza....????!!! Tiramisu'(in questo caso,il SUO......dolce preferito)...........un classico che non passa mai di moda....che sembra complicato ma invece non lo e'........Ed ecco la ricetta............

  • 200 gr di savoiardi
  • 250 gr di mascarpone
  • 2/3 caffettiere di caffe' forte
  • 4 uova
  • 8 cucchiai di zucchero
  • un goccio di marsala
  • cacao amaro in polvere
Per prima cosa fare il caffe' ,versarlo in una scodella e unire 4 degli 8 cucchiai di zucchero e il marsala........fare raffreddare.....
A parte dividere i rossi dagli albumi e sbattere i primi con i rimanenti 4 cucchiai di zucchero.Unire a questo composto il mascarpone mescolando bene in modo da amalgamare il tutto.
In una seconda ciotola montare a neve gli albumi......
Come ultima cosa,unire gli albumi montati al composto di con molta delicarezza.....piano piano e dal basso verso l' modo da smontare il tutto.
A questo punto e' ora di assemblare il tutto........inzuppare velocemente i savoiardi nel caffe' ormai freddo e disporre un primo strato in una pirofila;sopra i savoiardi versare uno strato di crema al mascarpone.........poi un secondo strato di savoiardi e finire con la crema.
mettere in frigo e prima di servire.......cospargere con una spolverata di cacao in polvere.

What Women Think About Male Piercing


Valentine is a I like to party (but I like all the holidays, do not text!): I like to do my little thoughts not only Love but also to my friends, my mom ... all my affections!

blog friends gift to you this picture: it seems a great way to decorate in a simple way (that we want to do it?! Small springs of wood, string, paper hearts or rice paper punch or cut by hand and the game done!) and economic (which never hurts!) our little house for this occurrence:)


A Fortunella among you a present of a mine Ciaffetto (if you have not already done so run to subscribe to my Love Candy , expires tonight at midnight).

I'm going to finish doing these cookies, the dough is there waiting for me ... (by the fundamental rule to make the dough: remember to put the baking powder and vanilla! I had already put the dough to rest, I look casually on the table ... and the baking powder and vanillin were still there watching me ... Noooooo, I almost throw it all, what a disaster that is!)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ap Bio Lab #4 Answers

Another Blog Award-^ ^.

-My second blog award! Yay! ^^ eheheh...
Ringrazio Sgt. Pepper di  Dolci e cioccolato per aver pensato a me e al mio blogghettino e di avermi assegnato questo premio:

 Allora...le regole sono:

- ringraziare la/le blogger che ci ha/hanno inviato il premio,
- raccontare 7 cose su di sè,
- passare il premio ad altri 10 blog (che non devono sentirsi obbligati nel continuare la catena).

Bene, ora partiamo con il "racconto":

1)Amo i gatti, per me sono sacri!

2)Sono un'appassionata lettrice di manga e libri fantasy...

3)Mi piace the color purple in all its aspects (who would have thought ...).

4) carnivorous Basically, I like to cook dishes secodo juicy and appetizing.

5) Oh .. I almost forgot! My favorite hobby is to create candy in my hands ^^... maybe one day I could open a shop of my own ......

6) are temperamentally touchy, not inclined to make friends right away and ultimately also a little suspicious .... will the age?

7) I live in Genoa with my hubby, got married in 2008 after seven years of engagement and this year, April 25, will celebrate 10 years of walking together! ^ ^ Now the 10


Land Kobold
Small joys Ros
Bijoux ... Hand
Mini Bonbons
Milly Creations
world Antonia
Cakes & Decorations
the bijoux Monjka
Cappuccino & Cornetto

Monday, February 7, 2011

Skinny Headband For Men


I started experimenting in the kitchen, and early experiments have not gone quite as bad as I thought I did un'amatriciana "BONA STRONG" (the words of Love) and I also did a very simple Dolcino ma buono buono!

P1040007 croccantini di riso soffiato e cioccolato – trovi la ricetta qui

E ora una fotina del mio salotto, in modalità “violet” grazie alla Philips Living Color :)


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Bright Red Blood After Cervical Biopsy


Fortunatamente ho trovato ............ unfortunately I no longer 'time to do anything let alone ........... but not of Sautee ...!!!!..... ........ despair this morning I dusted off trays and the like are put back to work ..... and I was already too long ...... that was missing from the recipe was a bit 'that I wanted to try it and since today I found all the necessary ingredients in the pantry ready ..... away ....!!!!! The main ingredient in this pie and 'one of my favorites ...... ........ I LOVE white chocolate .......!!!!!!
The end result and I would say that 'pleasant ..... with a slight hint of MOU .......( like candy ).......... anyway, and' a cake dedicated to those who love sweet things soooo ......... but let's start con le dosi:

  • 250 gr di farina
  • 125 gr di burro
  • 70 gr di zucchero
  • 2 tuorli
  • 30 gr di acqua
  • burro e farina per lo stampo
  • 200 gr di latte (io ho usato il latte di riso)
  • 200 gr di cioccolato bianco
  • 3 tuorli
  • 30 gr di zucchero
  • 10 gr di farina
Prepare the dough with flour, butter, sugar, egg yolks and cold water.
Wrap the dough in a clean towel and put it in the fridge for about an hour.
Then pull the pastry and line a mold of 22 cm, buttered and floured.
Heat the milk and dissolve the ciocclato chopped white, stirring.
Work together the egg yolks with sugar and flour, then dilute, always mixing with the milk mixture.
Pour into crust and bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Friday, February 4, 2011

My 6 Month Old Is Coug


Su facebook c’è stata una vendita di beneficienza di creazioni handmade per aiutare i nostri amici pelosi, organizzata da Up4life .

Ho partecipato con 3 Ciaffetti, che sono stati acquistati da una gentilissima amica che con il suo gesto ha contribuito ad una buona causa, infatti all proceeds from sales will go to the Association legs Now and buy food and medicine for dogs.

creations had as its theme 's love. Here are Ciaffetti I donated to this cause:

P1030998 P1030178

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How Much Penicillin To Give My Dog


Monday and I Love we moved into our little house ...:)

To celebrate this event, indicates a good LOVE CANDY for you dear friends to blog!


Joining is simple:

  • leave a comment a questo post entro il 14 febbraio
  • linkate il mio candy nel vostro blog utilizzando l’immaginetta
  • se volete, diventate miei follower qui, o su facebook (trovate il link della mia fan page nella sidebar), o su entrambi :)

Il premio sarà un mio Ciaffetto a sorpresa!